

"Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve." 1 Peter 5:2

I went to Ensanada for about a week over labor day with a group of guys to build a basketball court for a boys home that a missionary family started with the Mexican churches they planted down there. It may sound like a random thing to do but it was what the ministry in the area needed to help kids find a place to go that is not totally corrupted by drugs or what not. Some guys from our local church are great at concrete so it worked out very well. I went along to help and play music and lead worship for the group and churches. It was a great experience, and through all the weird missions trips and skeptical experiences I have had with churches and outreach, this typical trip was the opposite. I prayed alot and put my skepticisms aside, letting words like the scripture above humble and simplify our purpose to serve. I have often felt that it was a waste of time and money to travel to distant areas to do small deeds (short term missions), I have learned to hate the trendy church trips that often turn into inward experiences and not really grasping the idea of outreaching which is the great commission. But I decided to try this again and as I grow up I have become more... layed back I guess... taking Gods word for what it is instead of trying to find my own understanding. We had fun, ate tacos, worked very hard, the hardest I think I have ever worked, learned concrete, drank good mexican beer, smoked tobacco, played pool, met people, got to know eachother, built relationships, argued, fellowshiped and worshiped together. Oh and I learned some mad knife fighting skills, and bought a knife. Some guys had the opportunity to build a new roof for a lady who had lived in this house for over 70 years! Her roof collapsed one night from the rain. Anyway, it is always an experience like any other. I watch these families who bring their kids to foreign countries and I always wonder if it is right, sometimes if it is necessary. But regardless, I have realized that if an opportunity to serve comes along, in any circumstance, anytime and anywhere, these words have an opportunity to ring true. I love when our hearts get softened. It was a good guys trip to get to know and make new friends as well.

Click the title to see the site with more pictures and a sweet video.

side note: Owen started pre-school this week, so both the kids are in school. pictures to come. crazy.


The Talbot Family said...

those pics are great.

and that's the most bad-ass chest hit I've ever seen in my life!

Lauren said...

thanks for sharing! i really do enjoy hearing about the pool family.

d. vanheule said...

dude that is so cool. i loved those pictures! i am very proud of you man. i want to see you soon i miss you

pedronegro said...

I loved seeing what you guys did down there. I know the struggle with short term missions. I glad that you did it anyways and it is great to see how the people there are so appreciative of anything that you do for them. It was great to talk to you the other night. Love you and miss you.