
this is crazy this is crazy this is crazy

I guess I am turning into a full blown typical dad when it comes to things i love like music. Buying my kids instruments, Listening to music I love that they are starting to admit is annoying, playing them songs on the guitar like pirates of the carribean, zip-a-dee-do-da, and bob the builder, and being more excited about playing in cover bands around town with 30 and 40-year-olds than I ever thought I could be. No shame either. My kids have good music taste and know the real from the not-so-real, so I am happy. I am reading more, still working on reading the Bible from front to back (how typical). Started in 2003 after getting married and have been stuck in the plagues area of Exodus ever since. I can read like crazy when it comes to thrillers, otherwise I lose interest due to my generation's growing up into lack of imagination (eg. Reality T.V., umm... T.V.). I am going to Mexico in a few weeks to lead worship and build a basketball court for a kids home. I am excited to go. Gotta go down to the park now, Esme's first soccer meet!


d. vanheule said...

that's so cool man. glad you are writing again. i've been trying to read the bible like that lately too. we should discuss it sometime. i miss you man. sounds like life is pretty sweet. hope to hang soon.

Nate said...

good to see a new entry!

Lauren said...

i love hearing about you guys. we miss you all. you should probably be the type of dad that posts pictures for all of us to see.

Matt Pool said...

Your gonna be the type of dad to come see me soon. Can't wait!