

no fish today, but got our liscenses and our gear wet. we plan to fish, my dad and i, every teusday morning, taking the new boat out starting april 1st. good times, enjoying God's creation and beauty in ways that i never usually stop and think to. in other news, lets see... school is going hectic but good for both of us; Esme got glasses, pre-schoolin; Owen is talking alot, drummin, tractorin; the weather is nice and changing, and that's about that!


pedronegro said...

I would love to go fishing with you. DO you think that we could make that happen? By the way thanks for bloggin more it is good to know whats going on with you and the family.

d. vanheule said...

sooooo..... if that one secret plan happens that i told you about.... then i think i might be doing some fishing too.

rosie said...

man, i miss the lake. and the pools for that matter.
p.s. there is an ever so slight chance i'll be moving home and commuting to Loma Linda to work come January, for a year. I'm praying, we'll see.

The Talbot Family said...

I miss the lake too. But I never got into the fishing groove. You know, it was just a bunch of tangled line, dead worms & sitting. But i LOVE the idea of fishing. Catch one for me.

Derek - no secret messages in the comments! :)